CP background

Engaging our Stakeholders

Our stakeholders are our key partners, whom we regard as central to our growth and success. The universe of stakeholders ranges from the communities where we operate to our employees, as well as government and regulatory agencies, thought leaders, academics, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). We lead focused programmes to engage each stakeholder group on their terms, to build productive relationships to ensure a clear understanding of each group’s challenges, and to enable solutions to burgeoning issues.

Stakeholder engagement is focused on the following key objectives:

  • Engage stakeholders at national, corporate, and project levels.
  • Identify and promptly manage social risks.
  • Support economic and social development of local communities.

Stakeholder feedback is critical to building and maintaining collaborative relationships and to embracing opportunities to foster social sustainability and maximise the impact of all our initiatives. Our goal is to maintain and strengthen relationships by understanding local needs, listening to stakeholder priorities, and identifying opportunities to collaborate.

As part of our materiality assessment and report preparation process, we identified our primary stakeholder groups and directly engaged external stakeholders to understand their primary topics of interest. We regularly interact with them using a variety of mechanisms ranging from virtual meetings and community events to opinion surveys and face to face meetings. Each engagement approach is targeted to the unique needs of each stakeholder group.

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Communities and NGOs

Modes of Engagement

  • Direct engagement at facility
  • Dedicated corporate social responsibility (CSR) team
  • CSR initiatives and project
  • CSR visits to camps

Main Areas of Interest

  • Community development
  • Economic development
  • Employment opportunities
  • Education
  • Healthcare

Industry partners

Modes of Engagement

  • Industry meetings
  • Presentations

Main Areas of Interest

  • Investment and collaboration opportunities
  • Best practices and shared experiences
  • International, regional, and local developments


Modes of Engagement

  • Structured meetings with ministries
  • Structured engagements through audits
  • Participation in forums

Main Areas of Interest

  • Economic development
  • Job creation
  • Government payments
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Nationalisation
  • Ethical conduct


Modes of Engagement

  • Employee surveys
  • Team-building events
  • Capacity building and training
  • Grievance redress mechanisms
  • Internal newsletter

Main Areas of Interest

  • Health and safety
  • Career development and opportunities
  • Human rights
  • Working culture and management practices
  • Diversity and equality
  • Nationalisation

Suppliers and contractors

Modes of Engagement

  • Contract agreements
  • Direct interactions
  • Supplier feedback survey

Main Areas of Interest

  • Procurement governance
  • Economic performance
  • Business opportunities
  • Health, safety, security, and environmental performance
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Timely payments and relationship stability